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5 East 51st Street
New York, New York
July 1st, 1937

Dear Mr. Séligmann:

Please find enclosed statement showing payment of $1,693 for others "Bills Payable" made during the month of June or, in other words, $793 over the reserve of $900 set up in my list for funds left with me during your absence.

This difference of $793 is made up principally by the following unforeseen expenditures for which, of course, I had made no provision:-

restoring Molenaer painting $150
(reimbursed by Mrs. Raiss and check deposited with Fifth Ave. Bank, account Jacques Seligmann & Co.)

(I had counted on approximately $100 as sufficient to cover this item, but then we had to ship, at the end of May, the large console with marble top to Paris, as well as make a shipment of English paintings to Chenue which caused an excess over the estimate of 362
difference in insurance premiums 22


On the other hand, the following payments for which I had a provision made for June will be effected in July only:-

Capital Stock Tax $510
Payments for account of Mr. de Hauke--Balance 250


I am, consequently, $760 short of funds for the current month and would ask you to be good enough to send me a check in the same amount made out to the order of O. A. Liechti, Cashier Account No. 2.

Thanking you, I am

Very faithfully yours,

Germain Séligmann, Esq.
Suvretta House
St. Moritz

Transcription Notes:
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