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July 1st, 1938

Schiff Auction. The results certainly bear out your business acumen and should compensate you for the endless worry and trouble you have had in connection with it. Everybody here was very jubilant, and Mr. Schiff's secretary told me "off the record" that he was very pleased with the result since he was able to dispose of a great many objects which he did not want at very advantageous prices.

May I ask you to be good enough to instruct Mr. Peck to let me have as expediently as possible, all the remaining expenses which will enable me to bill Mr. Schiff for all the expenses.

Trusting that this will find you in good health and spirits, and hoping that you will be able to get your long overdue and well-deserved rest, I am 

Very faithfully yours,

Germain Séligmann, Esq.
9, Rue de la Paix
Paris, France