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H.E. Huntington Estate Settled

Special to the New York TIMES.

LOS ANGELES,June 19.- After being in litigation for eleven years, the $42,000,000 estate of Henry E. Huntington, railroad man and philanthropist, was closed by the Probate Court with a final accounting filed by counsel for Mrs. Caroline H. Holladay, a sister, and the Security First National Bank, the executors. The accounting showed $8,000,000 paid in State and Federal taxes and $18,834,031.84 held for beneficiary trust funds.

[[bottom margin]] June 20 '38 [[/bottom margin]]

Transcription Notes:
[[ ]] means hand written NOTE: This is not per transcription guidelines. No need to note that something is handwritten. I have corrected it. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-06 17:30:08