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to the hospital where I spent all my nights & days, forgetting about Xmas - She got out of the trenches by Christmas however & is now home & getting well rapidly. She sends you her greetings. 
Delighted that you will come to a concert with me! - Yes, dinner coat and dinner at 7 pm, River Club. And Emile Baume is no protegé of mine, though a friend! Joyfully anticipating the pleasure of your company - and with renewed thanks Aff -  Lila
480 Park Avenue
New York 22, N.Y.
Germain, my dear! 
What an angel you are to send me the exquisite & utterly charming Christmas present! St. Germain,

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of the same word appearing twice in the second paragraph. Possibly divine or diven... Response: It is dinner. Have fixed.