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November 19th., 1943. Dear Joe: My cousin, with whom you spoke over the telephone, evidently didn´t get your message correctly, and it is only by "paging" you at several hospitals that I succeeded in locating you. I did open one of your letters to our poor Hans, addressed to the office, and immediately wrote to you in North Africa. I am afraid, from what my cousin told me, that you never received it. What a shock it must have been for you to reach our great city as a wounded soldier and find one of your good friends dead, and the others at the four corners of the world! I would be delighted to see you, but of course have no idea whether your condition allows you to leave the hospital - otherwise I will go to see you. In the meantime do let me know whether there is anything you need which I could send on. With kind thoughts, Sincerely, Corporal Joseph Scott, Halloran Hospital, Staten Island, N.Y. (Germain Séligmann)
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-13 02:12:53