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May 19th., 1943.

My dear Miss Bertol:

Following my conversation over the telephone with you last night, I am sending you herewith, a carbon of the five page letter which Mr. Séligmann wishes to have translated into French.

It is not needed in a great hurry, so that if you could take care of it by the beginning of next week, there would be no inconvenience to Mr. Séligmann.

When you type it, will you use triple spacing, as changes may eventually be made.  Also will you make one carbon copy.

Please do not hesitate to 'phone Mr. Séligmann or me should you have any questions.  As you may recall, my home telephone number (should you not be able to telephone during the day) is ELdorado-5-2264, and the office telephone is PLaza-3-0250.

Yours very truly,

Secretary to Mr. Germain Séligmann.

Miss. H. Bertol,
380 Riverside Drive,
New York, New York.