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5 East 57th. St., NY 22, N.Y.
June 4th., 1946.

Dear Mr. Seligman:
A letter from Mr. Schniewind, saying he is returning the drawings as he was unable to work up sufficient enthusiam, goes on as follows "I read... you are going to Paris and I hope this will mean a new and important stock of drawings. Please remember that we do not have a single drawing by Chassériau." You may wish to take this up with your brother with a view to the future.

Further than that, the FRAGONARD painting reached us this morning, in good condition. 

(Theresa D. Parker)

Mr. Germain Seligman,
23 Place Vendôme,

P.S. (These are all things which you many want to discuss with your brother, and perhaps even leave these letters with him) Mr. A. de Limur was just in with Mrs. Russell. The deLimurs are sailing (or flying) to Paris the end of June, to "kick the Turkish Ambassador out" of their house there. They plan to sell certain things in Paris and to bring others back here, and wanted to fix it up so that someone at the firm there could be on hand and "take a personal interest". I told them that Mr. Francois Gerard would be found at 23 Place Vendôme...... on your return he would like you to contact his wife as to what can be worked out in this connection, but I have a note of that.