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Paris, June '46


..... [[strikethrough]] Picasso blue period, indicated by 

..... [[strikethrough]] Faiences and porcelaines - Lane list [[/strikethrough]]

..... See Pierre Colle

..... [[strikethrough]] Small Braque and small Picasso offered by F.G. [[/strikethrough]]

..... [[strikethrough]] See Rodrigue Henriquez re Seurat drawing "Poseuse" of Rosen [[/strikethrough]]
[[right margin]] - reclining nude photo of Rodriques early - belong Freeman [[/right margin]]

..... Raton re pre-Columbian items, So. Pacific, & African

..... Galerie Jean Boissard, 70 (?) Fabg. St. Honore - indicated by Georges de Batz - his relative - aunt - Baroness Guy de Belley, is at the head of it.

..... [[strikethrough]] See Henri Bing, 40 rue Bonaparte about Rouault (Lefebre-Foinet) - [[/strikethrough]] 
[[right margin]] Friday - 10.30'- [[/right margin]]

[[left margin]] F.G. [[/left margin]] ..... Wimpfheimer table. - [[right margin]] unstable for exchange reasons - relatively good condition not insured - [[/right margin]]

..... Aime Baboin, 10 rue Gaillon

FG  Ask FG about important statues, important Toulouse Lautrec painting.

..... Buy frames - French 18th. Century

..... Affaire Gourgaud - [[right margin]] Saturday - 2.30' - pair Braque - Delacroix - Corot. (Forena?) - [[/right margin]]

..... [[strikethrough]] Atelier de Bonnard [[/strikethrough]] [[right margin]] - friend of F.G. Corsican - friend [[/right margin]]

..... LaFresnaye group from the family

..... Petit - who had a collection of LaFresnaye paintings, belonged to the "foreign affairs", died during the war and his collection was sent to French Legation, Denmark.

..... [[strikethrough]] Carre - 10 Avenue de Messine [[/strikethrough]] 

..... Pierre Loeb

[[left margin]] F.G. [[/left margin]] ..... Dubrujeaud

- Gaffe -