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1923 G. St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
April 12, 1946.

Dear Germaine:

I had hoped to be in New York long before this, but since January I have bee[[strikethrough]] d [[\strikethrough]]n more or less tied down here or affairs have taken me in the other direction. I was in New York for a very brief period right after Christmas on the way to Connecticut to attend my sister's funeral, who passed away December 26th. It was not too pleasant.

Germaine, ever since leaving the State Dept., I find that a great deal of my time is devoted to helping people gratuitously on immigration cases. After thorough reflection, I see no reason why I should not handle a few on a remunerative basis. Without boasting, I do not believe that there are many people who [[strikethrough]] no [[\strikethrough]] know the subject any better than I. If you hear of any cases that you would like me to handle, would you kindly have them get in touch with Mr. Joseph A. Roney, Room 500 Woodward Bldg., this city. He is an Attorney at Law a close friend, and has good connections. If I get up to New York in the near future I shall give you a ring and we can talk matters over. If I handle any of these cases I desire to keep in the background. From experience I know that my friends in the Consular Service abroad, particularly, Montreal, would necessarily have to lean over backwards in the opposite direction if they know I were interested. That is understandable, for otherwise they would be accused of favoring a former colleague. I believe you can understand.

I trust that you are well, and with kindest regards, I am,

Every Sincerely,

[[left margin]]
In New York - attorney in charge - 
Max Weitz -
70 Pine St -
[[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 14:05:33