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October 19th., 1943.

Dear Mr. Burrows:

These lines are being written just a few days after the sad news of Royal Cortissoz' death.

Though in recent years you have had the full burden of your paper's art criticisms, I am certain that at times you look back with pleasure to your early association with him and recall his active years when he was so important a link between the art world and the public.

You have in a way inherited the task for which he laid a deep and solid foundation, and I realize that with your knowledge and experience that foundation has indeed passed into capable hands. 

My best wishes go to you.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Carlyle J. Burrows, 
New York Herald Tribune,
230 West 41st. St., 
New York 18, N.Y.