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Andre Meyer
44 Wall Street
New York 5. N.Y.

June 8, 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Since so many of our compatriots have either returned to France, or become established here in trades or professions, it would seem unnecessary to continue a French Committee to raise funds on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York.

A minimum of $250,000,000 is needed this year--and unless this money is raised the Jews in Israel and in Europe may suffer the same fate which befell 6,000,000 of our brethren.

I believe you can be counted on for a generous gift.  Would you be good enough to inform me through which channel this gift will be made.  I enclose a card for your convenience and would appreciate it if you will let me know whether you wish to be contacted

1. by your profession or industry
2. by your community
3. a member of the former French Committee

Please send the card back by return mail.

with thanks for your cooperation, I am

Sincerely Yours, 


Transcription Notes:
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