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5 East 57th Street              O.A.L.#2
New York 22, N.Y.

July 13, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

MANHATTAN WAREHOUSE - Deposited the following items on July 12th:

Seurat "Eiffel Tower"
Seurat "Chapeau Niniche"
Seurat "Homme Dormant"
Corot "Judith"
Braque "Still Life"
Redon "Vase aux Anemones"
Perroneau "Man"
Fragonard "Jupiter and Danae"
Small Hispano-Mauresque Basin
Tow enamel Candlesticks
All other enamls
Small Ivory Diptych
Battle Ax
Bartolo di Fredi "St. Peter"
Retascon Master "Ammuniiation"
Vannuccio "Crucifixion"
Agnolo Gaddi "Marriage of the Virgin"
French Primitive "Piete"

At the same time we withdrew the Monet "Chrysantheums" and the large Courbet "Femme au Fleurs", belonging to Bernheim.

In the latter connection we phoned Budworth who informs us that the paintings lent to the Montreal exhibition will be delivered to the galleries by the end of this week.

CLIENT IN CARACAS - I received the following information from the Venezuelan Consulate: The only document required, in addition of course to the Consular Invoice and Bill of Lading which would be established by Bemo Shipping, is a certificate of authenticity which has to be notarized by the County Clerk, as well as legalized by the Venezuelan Consulate. There are no currency restrictions at all and client could make payment in dollars at any time.

SACHS' TITIAN - Enclosed please find copy of letter of July 11th received form Mr. Kopald in this connection, as well as my reply to him.

BIFFI - I am appending a copy of letter dated July 1st, received from him. Do you wish me to send a copy of same to Professor Devries in order to complete his file?

ART QUARTERLY - I am enclosing copy of letter addressed to Mrs. Seligman, dated July 11th, which you will find self-explanatory.

MAX BLOCK - acknowledged receipt of our check of $388.- (Three hundred eighty eight dollars) which we remitted to him for the account of S. & Cie., Paris.

BUCHHOLZ GALLERY - I finally received the photograph of the Renoir bronze together with an invoice for packing and shipping in the sum of Fcs. 87,500.- (Eighty seven thousand five hundred francs.

(Continued on page 2)