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Page 2 McKay Morant & Co., Ltd. Mailed their cover note respecting the silver plaquette with translucent enamel, insured [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] on your personal floater [[strikethrough]] covering [[/strikethrough] calling for a premium of $4.60 which I am settling in the usual manner for your account. Picasso drawing Was returned to us today by registered mail by Mr. Boissonnas. Unfortunately, it is quite apparent that this drawing was worked upon and pending your further instructions, I shall put it away in the storeroom, unframed, safely protected by two pieced of cardboard. Do you authorize me to pay the bill of $20.0 from Boissonnas which I received by the same mall? Mrs. Parker turned over to me your letter of May 27th and I thank you for the new permit for the Manhattan Warehouse signed by you. Georges Seligmann Enclosed please find copy of Mr. Robbins' letter to him dated May 19th. I am very sorry that we failed to enclose it in my first letter to you. I also apologize for my wording of that particular paragraph in said letter which, unless one was fully familiar with the situation, could have been badly misinterpreted. Funds I am enclosing herein copy of the list which you okayed prior to your departure which I trust you will find in order. Please note that the regular monthly payment of $800.- will, of course, not be made in the months of July and August which, together with the payment of the half yearly retainer, made the total disproportionately high compared to the following two months. I did submit you a corrected statement of the C. A. D. prior to your departure. Shall I send you a copy thereof? Wildenstein Delacroix: I called them in this connection and they connected me with Mr. Felix Wildenstein who told me that they experienced quite a few difficulties regarding their exportation from France as he had previously explained to you but that he was going to write posthaste to his Paris office. Titian Portrait Mrs. Parker gave me your message and consequently I shall deposit this painting at the next opportunity with the Manhattan Warehouse giving, of course, pertinent advice to Moses and Singer. (continued on page 3) AIR MAIL
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 14:28:45
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 16:39:31
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 16:44:20