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Mr. Liechti- Page 3 J\v9 Purchases I am quite excited about your news that you succeeded in making quite a number of purchases and shall look forward with great interest to seeing them at our galleries. Would you be good enough, if at all possible, to give me some information as to contents and values before such shipments are being made in order to effect the necessary transit coverage. Now respecting the curtain which you ordered me to have made for the front show room. I am sorry to say that we have nowhere near the amount of brown velvet required for this work. Mrs. Parker tells me that we might be able to purchase some material more or less matching the shade required. May I have your advice. Your other instructions in this connection are carefully noted. [[right margin]] Shall write you further on this topic- If we have not enough I assume this is the only solution so go ahead and do match the wall hanging.[[/right margin]] Cima I forwarded to you in my letter of May 26th a draft of affidavit in connection with such exportation from France. [[right margin]] Rather disappointed as it does not seem to be enough to satisfy the authorities! [[/right margin]] I am also very glad that you have obtained a seat for Mrs. Seligman on Air France on September 6th and I have now cancelled a reservation I made for her on the Sabema. [[signature]] In stead of curtain rod support a track which is up flush on ceiling. Would be less visible AIR MAIL
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 20:50:00