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5 East 57th. St. New York 22, N.Y.
May 25, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

KRESS: Mr. R.H. Kress, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation, 221 West 57th. St., - whom you which to write

Also below is a copy of letter from Mr. R.A. Cecil and answer.

My dear Mr. Seligman, I am exceedingly grateful for the second photograph of the Tocque portrait of the Due de Chartres which you sent me. It is a considerable improvement on the first one, but unfortunately The Burlington Magazine have had the use of the latter for their reproduction. I would be very grateful to you in you could let me know by return the measurements of this picture in centimeters, as they are required to go beneath the reproduction in The Burlington Magazine. To be of any value, I would have to have this at the earliest possible moment. With again many thanks for all your kindness I am, YS, (R.A. Cecil)

Dear Mr. Cecil: Your letter of May 17th., had been received in the absence of Mr. Germain Seligman. However, regarding your inquiry about the dimensions of the TOCQUE in centimeters, there are the following: 4'10" x 3'9" = 1.47-1/4 x 1.14-1/4. Hoping this will answer your requests. YVS.

With best regards,

Eleanor Bagne 

Mrs. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
Place Vendome

[[right margin]] AIR MAIL [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 15:02:04