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Letter from McKay Morant & Co., Ltd. King William Street House, London E.C. 4 June 3, 1950

Gentlemen: It is with very great pleasure that we have received the hoped for visit from your highly esteemed Mr. Germain Seligman, and our only regret is that his short stay in London prevented us from seeing more of him before he continued his tour. Para. During our conversation with him regarding the possibility of a General Liability Indemnity (or Super Insurance) upon the lines of our letter and draft wording of the 27th., February last, the question also arose of the proposed Public Liability Indemnity, regarding which we wrote you fully with suggestions on the 12th. December last, and Mr. Seligman promised to go further into this matter when he returns to new York, if we will then remind him to do so. Upon his return to New York will you therefore please bring this letter to his notice. Para. As regards the General Liability (Super) Insurance, Mr. Seligman is going to advise us further when he gets back to New York, so that we can then take the matter up further, with the assistance of Messrs. Mendes & Mount, in the manner we discussed with Mr. Seligman. Para. At Mr. Seligman's request, we enclose a copy of a letter which we have just sent to him in Paris regarding the two Marble Busts, and which we think will explain itself. Yours faithfully, for and on behalf of McKay Morant & Co. Ltd. (Signed V.R. Young)

COPY: U.J.A. of Greater New York. June 8th., 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman: We gratefully acknowledge your additional contribution of $1,000.00 to the 1950 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal of Great New York. It is with such generosity as you are showing that the UJA agencies are able to settle hundreds of thousands of our destitute people from all parts of the world--from the ruins and waiting stations of Europe, from the trouble spots in the Moslem countries, from the miserable ghettos of North Africa -- in Israel and other welcome lands. You, and friends like yourself, who magnanimously give and give again for the preservation of Jewish life, encourage the hope that our people may at last find peace and security. My fellow officers join me in expressing profound appreciation Sincerely yours. Signed S. D. Leidesdorf.

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