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July 19, 1954

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am in receipt of your letter dated July 13 with enclosed check $125.- from Mrs. J. Weake which I deposited as instructed. The above amount represents the full balance due you.

The enclosed copy from Chenue is self-explanatory. I also received copies of letter from Mr. Bier and Lefebvre-Foinet dated July 15th and July 12th respectively-the original sent to you by the writers. Should you not have received same,please let me know and I will sent you copies. 

I received today two envelopes with misc. bills [[crossed out]]
[[?]] [[/crossed out]] re. traveling expenses etc. and as soon I have a chance to assort same and add up I let you know. Of course [[crossed out]] then [[/crossed out]] I can only make preliminary steps - the final accounting can be done until I have the figur for personal expenses as well as the amount returned etc. But at least I can start working on it.

From the copy of your letter to Mr. Heilbronner I gather you purchased a Boxwood statuette for $ 350.- (Three hundred fifty Dollars). but you forgot to mention the check #. Furthermore for insurance purposes I will need some descriptions or a name and the forwarder. Please advice at-once to enable me to write before closing to McKay Morant.

Mr. Cunningham called me up this morning. He is coming this afternoon to see me unless he goes to Glen Falls. He was not sure about it. Otherwise he is coming to see me before closing. I told him I am cancelling the insurance on the two manuscript returned to Col. Sterling which he o.k.ed. 

In accordance with your cable of today I air-mailed today two manus. Cat. in spite of the fact that [[crossed out]] another [[/crossed out]] two were shipped July 8 by boat. I figured that these might reach you in one week or longer. I hope I did understand you correct. Altogether we mailed six catalogues. of manuscripts. 

Friday the curtains were taken off and the walls cleaned. It was an awful mess and smell of the fluid which was so strong that people complained in the building. The girls had head-aches and I sent them home in the afternoon. I am happy it is over. Today the exhauster in the small room next to your office has been repaired. It works now noiseless and opens more but not quite. The man told me that this is the proper way and smok and bad air is driven out and that is all the fan is for.

Mr. Cunningham was just here. I Gave him the check we had prepared for him and also we figured out the days he was away in order to [[crossed out]] [[?]] [[/crossed out]] determine the amount owed him on the basis of $800.- per month. He turned over to me 4 drawings and one engraving. He intents to have the Due's contract photostated and will bring me a copy this week. I will post you.

With best regards,


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 18:38:37