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As a matter of procedure, I suggested to Mr. Van der
Vorm that early September, that isafter the re-opening
of my New York galleries which are closed for the regular summer vacation, I would send photographs of the manuscripts which wouldbe of interest to you and if after such further examination a definite interest was shown for some of them, I would obtain permission to send over to you on approval some of the manuscripts you are considering. I assume that from the angle of the Dutch customs, if sent for such a purpose to a museum there would be no difficulty as far as import and re-export is concerned.

Trusting I may hear from you and with personal greetings to you and Dr. Haverkamp -  Begemann, I am

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Dr. H.C. Ebbinge-Wubben, Director
Boymans Museum
Rotterdam, Holland

P.S. I intend remaining at the above address up to
August 15th. 

Transcription Notes:
left justify ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 12:37:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 18:54:11