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indicated by the Duc d'Arenberg, I would gladly send you
further photographs in black and white. Of course, should
a serious interest develop, we could obtain, I know, permission to have you examine the manuscripts themselves before [[right margin]] in Rotterdam [[/right margin]] reaching any definite conclusion. However, this could not
be done before the beginning of September, as my galleries in New York are closed now until September 6th for the regular summer vacation.

Trusting the catalogue will duly reach you in good condition and looking forward to hearing further from you, with personal greetings, I am

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

W. Van der Vorm, esq.
Westersingel 66
Rotterdam, Holland

P. S. I intend remaining at the above address up to August 15th. 

Copy for Dr. Hannema

Transcription Notes:
left justify ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 19:01:49