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No. 14

June 14, 1955

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Your letter of June 10 was received only this morning- the painting being delivered already yesterday at 4 p.m.

We hired Brown's station wagon and Jack and I delivered the painting to Mr. Rousseau at Mr. R. Lehman's premises in Port Washington L.I. in the presence of Miss Margaret Cronin, Mr. Lehman's secretary, Mr. Lehman being out of town. Both jointly signed the receipt of which copy was sent to you yesterday.

Furthermore I have in my possession copy of the Interstate Bill of Lading, issued by Brown's, officially stating the delivery of a painting to Port Washington. Same is signed by me [[crossed-out]] on behalf of J.S. & Co. as shipper and by Miss Cronin on behalf of Mr. Lehman, the consignee. Both documents are filed in our safe and are proof that the painting has been delivered to Port Washington N.Y. which is outside the city limits.

The whole procedure took 5 minutes. We gave the ptg. to Mr. Rousseau who examined it. I handed the receipt to him which he wanted to give to Miss Cronin for signature. I told him that you specially requested by cable that he should be good enough and sign on behalf of Mr. Lehman. He obliged immediately but afterwards handed the document to Miss Cronin and asked her also to sign.

I am enclosing copy of letter concerning the cancellation of the insurance. I also told Mr. R. that our insurance ceased the moment we turned the painting over. He agreed.

Your letter to Morgan transferring the amount to the Engel a/c was mailed today and of course, should Mr. Rottier ask for the $ 290.000.(Imam quite certain) I will prepare the necessary letter and mail to you for signature. I assume I don't have to make the usual credit-note as I consider your letter of June 14 as the actual Credit-Note?

With best regards,

Yours very sincerely


NS The 2 B. Gros Panels were brought to the Manh. Warehouse today in their case.

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