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[[cutoff text]]-ry Confirms Negotiations With Libyans

with the authorities issued from the Libyan revolution," the statement continued. "Thus it is not astonishing that these authorities opened contact with the French Government with a view to establishing relations in trade and cooperation. The talks that have been undertaken bear on various problems relating to these fields."

Some impartial observers here questioned whether the items mentioned in the report- ed arms deal could add up to $400-million. However, the Libyans were reported to have canceled a deal of that magnitude with Britain after their coup d'état.

French production of Mirage jets and AMX heavy tanks, both highly regarded weapons, is exceedingly limited — thing on the order of several a month in each case. Their early transfer to Libya on any massive scale seems doubtful. There is thought to be no question of France's selling Libya the 50 Mirages that Israel has bought. They remain grounded in southwest France. The French Government has informally made known it would refund the purchase price if the Israelis asked for it, but the latter have so far refused.

The suggestion that the French military might occupy the bases in Libya from which the Americans and British are being evicted was regarded! here as conceivable but unlikely.

Eban Comments on Report

Special to The New York Times

LONDON, Dec. 19 — Abba Eban, Foreign Minister of Israel, said here today that if Mirage jet fighters, previously denied to Israel, were to be offered to Libya as reported, then France would be demonstrating her vulnerability to Arab pressure.

Mr. Eban who is holding talks with British Cabinet officials over the weekend, added that the same could be said of Britain if she sold Chieftain tanks to Libya after having refused to sell them to Israel.

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from the Families of GE's Striking
... Until Our S

On behalf of the boys and girls -the families of nearly 150,000 GE wo -Please, Don't Buy GE Pro -Universal- GE-until our strike -

That way, you'll help us get -Electric-America's fourth richest i -

We're on strike to get a fair sett -working that we ca -

Although our strike is going in -come close to making a realistic offr -lot about "bargaining" in its newspa -GE has not made any significant atte -

GE also talks a lot about inflatio - even though its 1969 third-quarter p - 

So the trade unions of America -products bearing the GE label on the -

We need your help...and the -in fair play. That's why we're askin -and until the strike is settled:

Please, Don't Buy GE Prod -

We want to get back to work -the kind of contract terms we can -wages and safeguards that we and -

Until then, we ask: the next tim -ance store, supermarket or drug sto -

-n the "unfair list." Please, don't buy them un -ettlement.'s the way you can help us reach a sou - ck to work soon.

On behalf of

Coordinated Bargaining Committee
1126 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
James Compton, Chairman, Steering Committee

-and Machine Workers, AFL-CIO International Association of Machinists, AFL-CIO International -nternational Brotherhood of Teamsters American Federation of Technical Engineers, AFL-CIO U -ood of Carpenters, AFL-CIO United Association of Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, AFL-CIO Allied Indus -Sheet Metal Workers, AFL-CIO American Flint Glass Workers, AFL-CIO

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 14:52:44