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December 11, 1969

Dear Lee:

It was so very pleasant to have talked to you yesterday long distance and I am thus sending you herein a pamphlet relating to this truly exceptional processional niello cross.

You will realize that I am proceeding with further research in the hope that we may be able to identify the artist or the atelier who or which may have carried out these delicate plaquettes.

Contrary to what you will read intthe pamphlet, Philippe Verdier to whom I communicated the photographs and from whom I heard this morning says his first impression would lead him to believe that it is Florentine work, around 1470-90.

I shall also write to Dr. Middeldorf af the Eunsthistorisches Institute, in Florence, who I understand has valuable documentation on nielle - however, I should add that he is retired. But you know that these questions of attribution, like all other such matters, are to be left to the specialists in the field who may not ultimately agree among themselves, but the outcome of these conclusions will in no way affect the overall beauty and importance of this work of art.

The selling price, you will recall, is $20,000 (TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS) and as you hinted in case of a purchase it could by all means be concluded in 1970.

Though I cannot mention any name as regards its pedigree I have every reason to believe it comes from an excellent and highly regarded source.

Looking forward to hearing further from you and with warm regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Lee Malone
Museum of Fine Arts
255 Beach Drive North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

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