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for the month of January 1870

No. of Day Schools 35
No. of Night Schools 
No. of Schools sustained by freedmen
No. of School buildings owned by Freedmen 5
No. of School sustained in part by freedmen 5
No. Schools buildings furnished by Bureau 26
No. White teachers 58
No. Colored teachers 12
Whole number of teachers 70
No. Male pupils enrolled 1245
No. Female pupils enrolled 1767
Total number of pupils 3012
No. pupils enrolled last report 2027
No. left school this month 
No. new scholars this month 985
Average attendance 2176
No. pupils paying tuition 229
No. white pupils 2
No. always present 1102
No. always punctual 945
No. over 16 years of age 342
No. in alphabet 475
No. spell and read easy lessons 1384
No. advanced readers 1064
No. in Geography 1003
No. in Arithmetic 1144
No. in higher branches 109
No. in Writing 1030
No. in Needle Work 20
No. free before the war 17
No. Sabbath Schools 21
No. Teachers in Sabbath Schools 122
No. pupils in Sabbath Schools 1978

Day and night schools not reported above 125
No. pupils (estimated) in such schools 12000
No. teachers white 150 colored 50
No. Sabbath Schools not reported above 
No. pupils (estimated) in such schools 
No. teachers white  colored 
Industrial Schools
No. pupils in all 
Amount of tuition paid by the freedmen during the month $138.25 
Amount of expenses for the above schools by the Bureau for the month 121
Total expenses per month for the support of the above schools by all parties $259.25
No. places now destitute where schools might be organized 
No. pupils (estimated) who would attend such schools 

Edwin Beecher
Supt. of Education.