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EB page 118.-1868. O.C.Q.M.&c. Va.

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
District of Virginia
Office Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.
Richmond Va. January 22nd 1868.

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. General O. Brown Assist. Commr. Virginia, with the information that I have now under my directions ten (10) clerks (including the one for which application is now made) employed as follows. 

Six in making out accounts &c pertaining to my duties as Chief Qr. Mr. & Disbursing Officer to wit: 

"One Cashier and Chief Clerk
"One property Clerk - one transportation and assistant property
"Clerk - one Clerk making out money returns - one corresponding and record clerk - one copyist-"

Two clerks in making out Commissary accounts - one in charge of Bureau warehouse and one in issuing rations to destitutes. 

The muster out of the Officer on duty with the Bureau rendering it necessary for me to relieve them of their property and my recent appointment as A.A.C.S. of the Bureau for this District renders it impossible for me to use a smaller force. 

I have always endeavored to perform the duties assigned me with the smallest number of Clerks possible and whenever my duties diminish instead of increase, as they have been doing since I have been connected with the Bureau, I shall discharge those whose services can be dispensed with

Geo. Q White
Captain Chief Qr. Mr. Disbg Officer
and A.A.C.S-

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