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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Chief Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, District of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., March 28th, 1868.

Brevet Brigadier General O Brown
Assistant Commissioner Virginia
Richmond, Va.

I have the honor to apply for an order to proceed to Alexandria Va. to see Colonel S. P. Lee, Sub Assistant Commissioner, relative to business connected with my Department of the Bureau.

I would also like to consult with General H. M. Whittelsey Chief Qr. Mr. of the Bureau relative to the best manner of procuring supplies required by the Bureau.

I have the honor to remain General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Geo. Q. White
Captain 44th U.S. Infty
Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-03 14:47:13