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Hampton Va
Dec 23 1867.

To Lieut M S Reed.

Asst Commissioner Freedmans Bureau ECity Co
The petition of Robt Whitfield respectfully represents that he is the personal representative of William M'Gwigan decd.  That the said William M'Gwigan at the time of his death was seized and possessor of a certain lot of land situated in Hampton Elizabeth City County on Queen Street bounded by the lots of Jordan and the Banks Lane.

That your petitioner being administrator of said Wm M'Gwigan has been informed the said lot is now on the books of the Freedmans Bureau and he prays the same may be restored to him as such administrator he pleas herewith

1st Certificate of Clerk of US. district Court that the said lot of land has never been libelled for confiscation . marked a

2nd Certificate from the Clerk of the County Court of Elizabeth City that the lot in question is re[[?]] charged to said William M'Gwignn marked B.

3 The Amnesty Oath marked C.

4 Certificate that he does not come under the exceptions marked D.
He therefore pray that the said lot may be restored to him as such administrator of

Transcription Notes:
The name of the deceased is not clear. McGwigan easier to read on preceding page (74).