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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, D.C., May 13th, 1868

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown,
Asst. Comm'r, Bu &c, Richmond, Va:


I am directed to enclose herewith the discharges of the following named colored soldiers whose claims for arrears of pay are allowed, and the amounts set opposite their respective names in the hands of the C.D.O. of this Bureau, for remittance to them.

Levin Taylor, Co: "D" 9th U.S.C. Troops  $11.00/
Caleb Taylor, Co: "E" 9th U.S.C. Troops  $10.20/

The records of this Office show the Post-office address of claimants to be: "Fort Monroe, Va:"

Please acknowledge receipt of discharges at your earliest convenience, giving number of this letter.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
A.P. Howe
Bvt. Maj. Genl U.S.A.

C.B. 884.