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War Dep't. Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Washington, D.C. May 14/68. 

Respectfully referred to Gen'l H. Brooks Ass't. Com'r. of Maryland. 

By order of 
Maj-Gen'l. O.O. Howard. 
F.D. Sewall
A.A.A. Gen'l. 

EB p 190 - No. 152

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comm. Md-Del
Balto, Md. May 20th 1868

Respectfully returned to Hd. Qrs, Bu.R.F & A.L. Washington D.C. with attention invited to enclosed letter from G.H.Z. Black, with the additional information that the "Balto. Commercial Colledge" is on the Cor. of Baltimore and Charles Sts. 

H. Brooks
Asst. Commr &c, 
Bt. Brg. Gen. U.S.A. 

E.B. p 193 No. 158

W.271. R.F. & A.L. Va. 1st Vol. 1868. 
War Dep't. Bureau R.F. & AL. 
Washington, D.C. May 21/68. 

Respectfully returned to Asst Com'r. of Va. whose attention is invited to endorsement of Gen'l. Brooks hereon.

By order of 
Maj-Gen'l. O.O. Howard,
F.D. Sewall
A.A.A. Gen'l.

EB 427 Vol 4

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. MAY 23 1868 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Missing the name in the second signature, on left side It's H. Brooks. First section refers the paper to him, and second section is his response. And his name is referenced again in third section.