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Bureau of R.F. & A.L. 
Richmond, Va. Nov. 17th, 1868. 

Respectfully referred to James Johnson, Sub-Asst. Com'r., for immediate action - This paper to be returned, with report. - 

By order of the Asst. Comr
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S.A. 
A.A.A. Genl. 

E & M 2d. Vol 358/68

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands. 
Hd Qrs. 6th Sub. Dist. of Va
Fredericksburg Va Nov 18th 68. 

Respectfully referred to F.S. Tukey, A.S.A Com. for compliance with endorsement of Genl. O. Brown A. Com'r

James Johnson
Sub. A. Com. 

E.B. p 189. 

S.7. B.R.F. & A.L. Washington Nov. 16th 1868

Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
H'd Qrs. 2nd Div. 6th Sub. Dist. Va
Bowling Green Va. Nov. 19/68

Respectfully returned to Col. Jas. Johnson S.A.C. with the information that the boy will be forwarded to Washington Nov. 20th inst. The reason why he has not been sent before was because he had an aged Grandmother who is blind and helpless and entirely dependant upon him for support and had hired him out for the year which year did not expire untill Christmas, and the man who had him employed promised if the boy could remain untill after his crops were gathered that he would pay the grand-mother for the whole years service, and in consideration of the fact, that the child was left by the mother when but six (6) years old, and the grandmother has had the whole care and support of him since I thought it but an act of justice and humanity to let him remain. All of which I thought I had explained satisfactorily in my endorsement [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] on letter of 13th inst

F.S. Tukey A.S.A. Com'r

Rec'd H'd Qurs. 2nd Div. 6th Sub. Dist. Va. Nov. 18th 1868

E & M page 54. Vol 1. 1868

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