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MONTHLY REPORT of Colored School of Opelika Alabama of the number of colored children taught during the month ending on the Thirty first day of July 1866.

[[23 column table]]
STATION [[Stamp]]THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/Stamp]]|ENROLLMENT Male|ENROLLMENT Female|TOTAL|GAIN Male|GAIN Female|Total|LOSS Male|LOSS Female| TOTAL|AGE Over 16|AGE Under 16|AGE Between 6 and 16.|CONDUCT Always Punctual|CONDUCT Always Present|CONDUCT Average Daily Attendance|TUITION Admitted Free|TUITION Pay Tuition.|Total Tuition Paid.|No. of Days Taught during the Month|No. of Hours Daily.|No. Sessions Daily.|REMARKS.
Opelika|35|40|75|6|8|14|"|"|"|2|33|40|65|65|65|64|11|$2,75|20|8|   |The majority of my pupils are learning very fast and I would be glad to have you come and examine them. I think they will do me credit|

TOTAL|35|40|75|6|8|14|"|"|"|2|32|40|65|65|65|64|11|$2,75|20|8|   |

[[26 columned table]]
|   |READING. Alphabet and Primer.|READING. First Reader.|READING. Second Reader.|READING. Third Reader.|READING. Fourth Reader.|READING. Fifth Reader.|READING. Sixth Reader.|GEOGRAPHY. First Lessons.|GEOGRAPHY. Primary.|GEOGRAPHY. Second Part|GEOGRAPHY. Third Part|MATHEMATICS. Mental Arithm'tic|MATHEMATICS. First Part Arthm'tic|MATHEMATICS. 2d Part Arithm'tic|MATHEMATICS. 3d Part Arithm'tic|MATHEMATICS. Higher Arithm'tic|MATHEMATICS. Algebra.|MATHEMATICS. Geometry|MISCELLANEOUS. Writing.|MISCELLANEOUS. Grammar.|MISCELLANEOUS. Composition.|MISCELLANEOUS. Drawing.|MISCELLANEOUS. Languag's|MISCELLANEOUS. Music.|REMARKS|
|MALES|7|21|7|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|3|"|"|"|"|"|"|5|"|"|"|"|"|   |
|FEMALES|8|32|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|   |
Total|15|53|7|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|"|3|"|"|"|"|"|"|5|"|"|"|"|"|   |

George Hutch

[[margin note]] 53
75[[/margin note]]

Transcription Notes:
Partially complete do not mark for review until it is only missing a few things you can't read. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-12 00:52:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-12 09:51:20 Placed a stamp description where there was not one. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-12 10:40:20 Changed margin note. Looks like the column is addition, so the last number looks to be 75, not 15. Also removed erroneous column bar between 75 and 6 in the totals section of the first table.