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field of operations: tuition is paid by freedman and salary by the A.M.A of New York

11th At Onancock Miss Phoebe Henson, a very intelligent young colored woman is teaching in a colored church. This place is one of the most thriving on the Eastern Shore of Va. and greatly needs a good school: the teachers board is met by avails of tuition and her salary is paid in part from the Peabody fund. This school is not so thriving as could be desired, but is improving. 

12th There is a good school house at Drummondtown, Accomac Co., and a school taught by D.P. Allen, an ordinarily intelligent colored man: the school could do better with a more capable man.

It is prosperous, however, and of late has received an accession of pupils who pay tuition: in thus way his board is provided; his salary is furnished from the Peabody fund, in part.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-15 19:16:58