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List of Records Continued.

[[7 columned table]]
| Running numbers | No. of Each Class. | Name of Record | Div No. | District |  Period. From. | Period. To.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 28 | 2 | Miscellaneous Papers |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |   | Year 1865 |
| 29 | 3 | Miscellaneous Papers |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |   | Year 1866 |
| 30 | 1 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Oct. 1st 1865 | Dec. 31st 1865 |
| 31 | 2 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1st 1866 | June 30th 1866 |
| 32 | 3 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | July 1st 1866 | Dec. 31st 1866 |
| 33 | 4 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1st 1867 | March 31st 1867 |
| 34 | 5 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | April 1st 1867 | June 30th 1867 |
| 35 | 6 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | July 1st 1867 | Sept 31st 1867 |
| 36 | 7 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Oct. 1st 1867 | Dec 31st 1867 |
| 37 | 8 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1st 1868 | June 30th 1868 |
| 38 | 9 | File of Letters Received |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | July 1st 1868 | Dec. 31st 1868 |
| 39 | 1 | Monthly Report of Lands |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va. | Jany 1st 1866 | Dec. 31st 1866 |
| 40 | 2 | Monthly Report of Lands |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va. | Jany 1st 1867 | Dec. 31st 1867 |
| 41 | 3 | Monthly Report of Lands |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va. | Jany 1st 1868 | Dec. 31st 1868 |
| 42 | 1 | Book containing list of Lands |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |   |   |
| 43 | 1 | Retained Indentures (Gov't Farm) |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | March 1st 1866 | March 1st 1867 |
| 44 | 2 | Retained Indentures (Leases) |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1866 | Dec. 31st 1868 |
| 45 | 3 | Retained Indentures (Labor)|   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Oct. 1st 1865 | Dec. 31st 1865 |
| 46 | 4 | Retained Indentures (Labor) |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany. 1st 1866 | Feby 28th 1866 |
| 47 | 5 |Retained Indentures (Labor) |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | March 1st 1866 | Dec. 31st 1866 |
| 48 | 6|  Retained Indentures (Labor) |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany. 1st 1867 | March 31st 1867 |
| 49 | 1 | Report of Tenants |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |Jany 1st 1866 | April 31th 1866 |
| 50 | 2 | Report of Tenants |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | May 1st 1867 | Sept. 31th 1867 |
| 51 | 1 | Retained Ration Returns |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1st 1867 | Dec. 31st 1867 |
| 52 | 2 | Retained Ration Returns |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |Jany 1st 1868 | Dec 31st 1868 |
| 53 | 3 | Report of Rations issued |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Oct. 1st. 1865 | Dec 31st 1867 |
| 54 | 4 | Report of Rations issued |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va |Jany 1st 1868 | Dec. 31st 1868 |
| 55 | 1 | General and Special Orders Rec'd. |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Oct 1st 1865 | Dec. 31st 1867 |
| 56 | 2 | General and Special Orders Rec'd. |   | 10th Sub Dist. Va | Jany 1st 1867| Dec. 31st 1867 |

Transcription Notes:
The "Div. No" (Division Number) is blank on each entry. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 12:16:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 13:21:06