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Capt. R.S. Lacey.

We the undersigned citizens of Lynchburg would respectfully submit the following statements to you for your consideration. 

Since January 1st, 1869, Rev. J.P. Jay has been teaching a colored school in this City, and has had in attendance quite a large number of pupils, but owing to the general poverty of the people from inability to get work, he finds it impossible to pay his rent or to continue the school. 

He would respectfully solicit your influence in obtaining sufficient funds from Genl. Howard to enable him to discharge his indebtedness for rent and if possible to procure an appropriation for the future. - 

F B Armistead          Wesley Davis
Saml Richinson         James M Merchant
Efram Ray              S.E. Sobell
Edward Smith           S.E. Merchant
Charley Pardon         D.L. Murrell
D D Turner             P H Merchant
M. Merchant            Wm Merchant
P Crofuel              J E Goggin
P Jackson     
W D [[Murphy?]]        Wm C. Burton
John Kinnier           Allen Evans
                       Spencer Patterson
                       Robert M Brown  

Transcription Notes:
The bottom half of the letter contains two columns of signatures, separated by the | symbol, near the bottom they do not line up equally. Some of the names are difficult to transcribe, but best efforts have been done on the first pass. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 13:48:28 Transcribed a different way.