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diseased female, of species unknown, and the effect of such intimacy was decidedly adverse to the personal welfare of Private Martin, as he was relieved from duty and returned to his company, bringing with him, a remarkably well defined and fully developed case of secondary Syphilis, which defied all the powers of the medical officer at our Post, to eradicate. 

The consequence was, that Martin was discharged on Surgeon's certificate, based upon a disease "not contracted in his line of duty."

In conclusion I beg leave to state, that I do not believe that he was ever kicked by a mule.

Very Respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
Geo. E. Ford
1' Lieut 25th Infantry
late, Comdg Com'p'y B. 39 Inf

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-11 19:55:16