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Par 512, Revised Regulations.  If this is to be done the recruiting and civil funds should be undoubtedly taken up on Q M Papers. 

I have the honor to be General 
Very Respty your obt srvt
(SGD) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G. 

Richmond Va June 22 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O. 
Commissioner &c.

The owner of Point of Rocks farm is John A Strachan, not John Strong. Will write by mail. 

(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates 
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G. 

Richmond Va June 22 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O. 
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to forward herewith an application for the restoration to its original owner of the land now occupied as Point of Rocks Hospital. As shown in the petition the name of the owner was misspelled in the application for the farm as it had previously been by the military authorities occupying the place. 

The petitioner admits to me that in 1860 he was worth more than $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars) including slaves. I would respectfully ask that an order may be issued setting apart the farm of John A Strachan not John Strong. 


I am General 
Very Respectfully 
your Obt Srvt
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col & Asst Comr

J. A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

Richmond Va June 22 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O. 
Commissioner &c

Can Capt Wilder report to me at once? Rev Mr. Alvord is at Fort Monroe. Capt Wilder says he can go to the Eastern Shore of Maryland in his stead. 

(Sgd) O. Brown 
Asst Comr

J.A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

Richmond Va June 22 1865
Howard Maj Genl O.O. 
Commissioner &c.

In reply to your communication of 19 inst. I submit the enclosed list of wages for Refugees and Freeman which I think a fair compensation. 

In regard to the number of colored people in the state, I have to report that military have been busily employed for some time in taking a census and have not yet finished. The only estimate I can make of the colored population is based on that of Genl Ord which was 300,000. I think it is nearer 400,000 at that at least 100,000 will require assistance.

I am General 
Very Respty 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Asst Comr

J.A. Bates
Brvt Lt Col & A.A.A.G.

(see List page 20)

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