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lot of wagon wheels that were manufactured by the Rebel Q.M. Department. None of this property has been taken up by the Treasury Agents.

In consideration of the present exhausted state of our finances I would respectfully ask permission to take up this property (subject to the approval of the Dept Commander) and sell it at public auction for the benefit of this Bureau

I have the honor to be General
Very respty your obt servt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(193) 6th Nov 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to inform that the following orders for transportation, approved by you have been issued dated 4th Nov 1865- viz-

No 24 Arhel Washington from Richmond Va to Charleston S.C. on govt boat if possible. Widow of a colored soldier returning home

No 25 Katey Shanenhouse, Rosetta Felton and Nick Felton- from Fort Monroe Va to Perquinon [[Perquimans]] Co. [[strikethrough]] N.Y. [[/strikethrough]] N.C.- Destitute Freedpeople To relieve the Govt of their support

Respty yours &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

Official J.A. Bates


(194) Telegram Nov 8th 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner Bureau Refugees &c
War Department Washington D.C.

About one hundred (100) men, women and children (Freedmen) wish to go to New York where homes are provided for them. Shall I give them transportation. If so shall I send them via Baltimore. They can go to Balto on government boat

(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Ass't Comr

Official J.A. Bates

(295) 7th November 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to enclose Consolidated Report of Lands for the month of September

Resp'ty yours
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(196) 7th November 1865
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c

I have the honor to enclose Consolidated Report of Schools for the month of September

Respty yours
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst. Comr.

J.A. Bates