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2  J.H. Holman      Bvt Maj  2d Penn H.A.
3  M Litzenburg     Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
4  Bernard Mercer   Captain  2d Penn H.A.
5  Samuel Hill      Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
6  Charles W. Rush  Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
7  Theo Stanfeer    Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
8  H. Traker        Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
9  P.F. Everett     Captain  2d Penn H.A.
10 Richard Horner   Captain  2d Penn H.A.
11 Z.M. Morgan      Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
12 John A. Percy    Lieut    2d Penn H.A.
13 George Webb      Captain  2d Penn H.A.
14 D.E. Wolfe       Captain  2d Penn H.A.
30 29 men           non com off & privates [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 2d Penn H.A.
15 H.P. Sawyer      1st Lieut 8th Me. Vol. Inf.
31 O.B. Canwell     Corporal  8th Me. Vol. Inf.
32 Geo Wilson       Private   8th Me. Vol. Inf.
16 Smith Winfield   Captain   8th Me. Vol. Inf.
17 A.A. Brown       1st Lieut 8th Me. Vol. Inf.
18 Leander Kilbreth 2d Lieut  8th Me. Vol. Inf.
19 Major Phinney    1st Lieut 8th Me. Vol. Inf.
20 Lyhan G. Shurtleff 1st Lieut 8th Me. Vol. Inf.
36 4 men            non com off & privates 8th Me. Vol. Inf.

(5. 1st vol)
5th January 1866
Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c
I see [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] by the "Richmond Times" of this morning that efforts are to be made to obtain the revocation of the order of the "former owners must take care of the infirm and helpless among their late slaves."
Thinking that the publicity given by the press would prevent the necessity of issuing this order it has not yet been promulgated.
I would respectfully state that