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No 72. for Mack Peddigrew (colored) from Richmond Va to Roanoke Island N.C. Lost an arm at Dutch Gap — Q.M. Dept furnished transportation from N.Y. City to Richmond dated 9th Feb

No 73- for William [[Beusing? Bensing?]] and three children (colored) from Richmond Va. to Philadelphia Penn. Returning home with his children from S.C. paid his way to Richmond, has no means to carry him further — dated 12th Feb.

No 74- for Thomas Jordan from Norfolk Va to New Berne N.C. Destitute Freedman. To relieve the gov't of his support — dated 12th Feb

No 75- for Guy Edwards & Chas Hamilton. from Fort Monroe Va to Hilton Head S.C. Destitute Freedmen to relieve the govt of their support. dated 12th Feb.

No 76. Mrs Ann Gibbons and thirty one orphan children (cold) from Richmond Va. to Philadelphia Penn. to relieve the govt of the support of the Orphans. dated 14th Feb

No 77- for Mrs Ann Gibbons. from Philadelphia Penn to Richmond Va. went to Penn in charge of colored orphans — dated 14th Feb

I am General
Very respectfully,
your obedient servant
Sigd O Brown
Col. and Asst Comr

J.A. Bates

(44. 1st Vol)
24th February

Howard Major General O.O.

I have the honor to inform you that copies of the enclosed letter were, upon date of Nov 20th 1865, sent to the overseers of the poor in each County of the state.-

From but few Counties have replies been received, and all of these replies, except one have stated "the impossibility of the overseers of the Poor in the respective counties doing any thing because of the want of means.

The State Legislature has, as yet, passed no law affecting the poor and indigent freedmen, except the vagrant law of date of Jan 15th Jan annulled by Genl Terry in orders of date of Jan 27. 1866 The bills of this nation before the Legislature are all senate


Bills, and will probably if passed, become laws during the present week. The session expires in a few days and as soon as copies of Laws can be obtained, they will be forwarded for your consideration.

Every possible effort will be made to prevent excitement among both whites and blacks. I shall call together the different Superintendents in a few days to consult on the best measures to be adopted. I think it would do a great amount of good if the order could be published, approved by the President. that the Bureau will not be discontinued for at least one year.

I am General
Very respectfully Your obt Servant
(Sigd) O Brown
Col. and Asst. Comr.

James A. Bates

45. 1st Vol

Howard Major General O.O.

I have the honor to call your attention to the following case. viz:
Manuel Dodson and 25 other colored men, forwarded a petition to you some time in July last, in which your assistance was requested to enable them to obtain payment for services performed under, the direction of Captain J.C. [[Haight? Slaight?]] A.Q.M. formerly on duty at this place.

The petition was forwarded by you to the Quartermaster General and was by him referred to Col. James Chf Q M Dept Va — Col James returned it to the Quartermaster Genl on the 10th of August last — Please inform me what the decision was in the case.

I am General
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
(Sigd) O Brown
Col. and Asst Comr

James A. Bates

Transcription Notes:
Original transcriber: Please use format laid out in transcription directions. Use [[?]] for each word you cannot identify. also on the dates: the capital f is just fancy, it doesn't say "of Feb" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-18 12:49:23