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Howard Major General O.O. (88 1st Vol) 31 March

I have the honor to report that the following orders for transportation approved by you have been issued viz.

No 93. Mrs. Ann Gibbons, Lucy Carter, and twenty five color'd orphan children. from Richmond to Philadelphia Penn. Colored orphans and attendents. to relieve the gov't of their support Dated 11 March

No 94. for Mrs. Ann Gibbons from Philadelphia Penn to Richmond Va. went to Philadelphia in chrg colored orphans dated 17th March

No 95. for eighteen adults and twenty children from Danville Va. to Jackson Miss, Freedpeople who are liable to become dependent on the govt for support, if Col Cummings withdraws his support from them. They wish to go with him to Miss. dated 18th March.

No 96. for Mary Munday and four children from Norfolk Va. to Philadelphia Penna Destitute Freedpeople to relieve the govt of their support. dated 20th March.

No 97. for Harriet Pool and Lucretia Pool from Powhatan C.H. Va. Colerain Bertie Co N.C. Destitute Freedpeople, to relieve the govt of their support. dated 21st March 1866.

No 98. for Col. O Brown Asst Comr Richmond Va to Washington D.C. on duty for the Bureau dated 23 March 1866 

No 99. for Capt. James A Bates A.A.A.G. from Washington DC to Richmond Va. on duty for the Bureau dated 23 March 1866.

No 100. for Capt. James A Bates A.A.A.G. from Richmond Va. to Washington D.C. on duty for the Bureau. dated 23 March.

No 101. for the Rev Mr. Stockwell and eighteen orphan children from Richmond Va. to Boston Mass, attendant and destitute orphan children to relieve the govt of their support. dated 23 March 

No. 102. Austin Brown, Lucinda Brown Wiley Buck and Harriet Buck from Norfolk Va to Newberne N.C. Destitute Freedpeople, to relieve the govt of their support, Dated 24th March 66

No. 103. Charity Cox from Charlottsville Va. to Shelbyville Tenn. Desitute Freedwoman to relieve the govt of her support. rations will be required for her if she remains in Va dated 24" March 66.

I am General
Very respectfully yr ob. st
(Sigd) Horace Neide
Lt Col VRC Inspct Genl
In chge in absence of Col Brown

James A Bates

Howard Major General O.O. (89 1st Vol) 31" March

I have the honor to report that the following orders for transportation approved by you have been issued viz.

No 104 for Miss P. Rushmore and two colored children from Richmond Va to Washington D.C. the children Jack and Sally were stolen from Penn by Rebels - are now enroute to their friends dated 27. March 1866

No 105. for Miss P. Rushmore from Washington DC. to Norfolk Va. went to Washington in charge of two colored children dated 27. March 1866.

No. 106 for Pauline and one child from Louisa C H. to Raleigh NC. Destitute Freedwomand forwarded on request of Col E. Whitney Asst Comr Lt N.C. dated 28th March 66

No 107. for Patsy and Jackson and two children from Richmond Va to Goldsboro N.C. Destitute Loyal Refugee went North (early in the war) with her husband. he is dead she in now returning home - dated 28th inst.

I am General
Very respectfully 
Your obedient servant
(Sigd) H. Neide
Lt Col VRC Inspct Genl
In chg in absence of Col Brown

James A Bates

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