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The increase of dependents over the preceeding month is Four Hundred and twelve (412). This increase occurs in the City of Richmond, and is caused by the closing of most of the Tobacco Factories, and discharge of employees on account of their exercising the elective franchise in a manner contrary to their wishes of their employers.

The number of Refugees receiving rations was One hundred and ninety two (192), showing an increase over the preceeding month of thirty four (34). 

The number of Schools in this District during the month was One hundred and ninety seven (197) of which One hundred and fifty four (154)ar [[are]] Public Free Schools - The whole number of Teachers was Two hundred and fifty (250), of whom One hundred and sixty one (161) are White.

The whole number of pupils was Twelve thousand six hundred and fifty seven (1257). 

The classification and discipline of the Schools are constantly improving, and the freedmen are generally doing what they are able for the education of themselves, and their children, where any facilities are furnished them.

The number of persons treated by the Bureau Medical Officers for sickness during the month was Twenty six hundred & eighty nine (2689), a decrease of Four hundred and eighty seven (87). The number remaining under treatment at the end of the month, was Nine hundred and seventy five (975). 

The number of Insane remaining on the 30th Nov. was Fifty nine (59).

The number of Orphans under charge of the Bureau at the end of the month was One hundred & nineteen (119).

I am, General,
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols, A. Comr.


Howard Maj. Genl O.O. Jan'y 3rd, 1868

I have the honor to request that I may be furnished with fifty (50) blank forms No 65, Bureau Officers manual.

I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl Vols
Asst. Comr.

Howard, Maj. Genl O.O. January 6th 1868

I have the honor to request the appointment of Mr. Charles E. Zincke, as an Agent of this Bureau, at a salary of $100 per month, to date from the day of his subscribing to the required oath.

I am, General
Very respectfully,
Your obt. Servt.
O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols
Asst. Comr

Howard Maj. Genl. O.O.  January 6th 1868.

I herewith enclose the application of
James Washington, late Corporal, Co. B, 2nd U.S.C. Lt. Artly, with vouchers signed for $100 amount of bounty, retained from him, under General Orders No 90, Series 1864, Dept. Va., & N.C.-

Transcription Notes:
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