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All money letters, and letters concerning packages of clothing, & c., should be addressed to W. E. Whiting, 61 John Street, New York.

American Missionary Association,
New York, Nov 23 1865

Rev. GEO. WHIPPLE, } Secs.
Rev. M K. STRIKEY, } Secs.
LEWIS TAPPAN, Esq., Treas.
W. E. WHITING, Asst. Treas.

Col O. Brown
Asst Commissioner State of Virginia.

Dear Sir,
I send you an extract of a letter received yesterday from Washington. I give all that relates to the matter, and you can judge of the meaning as well as I do.

I hope to leave Monday, for Richmond. In the meantime I hope you will hold on to the land and the Butler Schoolhouse

Copy, "Gen Howard has just returned. He assures me that he can secure large quantities of Quartermaster's stores; sufficient he thinks

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