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Head Qrs Mil. Forces Kluesemond Co Va.
Suffolk Va June 17, 1815

Lt. Wm. L. Andrew
A. A. A. G. 
2d Sub Dist Ea. Va. 


I have the honor to transmit Report of Census of Colored people in this Co taken in obedience to instructions recd from Hd Qrs 2d Sub Dist Ea.Va. 

This report does not include the Negroes in the "Whitehead farm. No. H." nor those on the census of Negros living on those farms in forwarded in a separate report herewith enclosed. 

I am, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
S. L. Pierce 
Lt. Col. 3d N.Y. Cavalry
Military Comdr Kluesemond Co.