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visit or pass through any plantation except upon a 
written pass from his employer, and that we will 
in no case give such permission at night except upon business.

4th  Resolved, that the maximum rate of hire for
no one freedmen, without encumbrance, shall be five
dollars per month in currency and food during the 
time hired.

5th  Resolved, that any person or persons in this 
community violating these obligations by harboring, employing or delivering any negro from the protection or assistance of his former master against his wish or consent, shall for such conduct receive the contempt of all good citizens.

6th  Resolved, that these resolutions be signed by 
those present at this meeting and that they be presented to the farmers of the neighborhood not present for their approval and signature.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-14 18:46:43