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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Superintendent 2d District.
Petersburg, Va., Sept. 30th 1865.

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Com'r &c
Richmond Va.

Please inform me if Circular No. 17 War Dept. Bureau Ref. &c., this day received, will take effect on Sept. Acc'ts. If so will the funds on hand be transmitted to Asst. Com'r.

I would respectfully submit, that the lateness of the reception of this order, and consequently the delay which will be ocasioned by the forwarding and return of Estimates of funds will cause much inconvenience to many of the employees and their families

Very Resp'y Your Ob't. Sv't.
Stuart Barnes
Capt and A.Q.M
Supt 2d Dist.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-19 22:02:07 &c = etcetera