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Freedmans Court
Petersburg Va Nov 24th 1865

Stuart Barnes
Capt {A.Q.M.} Supt. 2nd Dist


The complaint made by the within named Wm. E. Walker against the Freedmans Court is not Sustained by the facts in the case. Divers Colored persons were found guilty of discharging fire arms within the limits of the city and were fined as white persons would have been under an Ordinance of the City which provides that any person who Shall Shoot off any gun or other fire arms or Shoot off or burn any rocket pop-cracker or other fire works or any combination of gunpowder or other combustible or dangerous material in any Street or footway or who Shall Shoot off any gun or other fire arms within fifty yards of any Such Street or footway or who Shall Shoot off any gun or other fire arms charged with ball or Shot or other deadly thing within two hundred yards of any habitation within the City except in cases of real necessity Shall forfeit two dollars for every Such offence and others having been found guilty of carrying concealed weapons were

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