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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Ass't Com'r State of Va.
Richmond, Va. [[strikethrough]] Feb 2 [[/strikethrough]] Jany 30/66

Bates, Jas. A.
Capt and A.A.A.G.

directs Capt. Crandon to report the steps taken to secure to Daniel Tinsley. (Col'd) money due him from Mrs. M.A. Pollard near Hanover C.H. for services rendered.

Rec'd back Feb 27/66

Office Supt 4th Dist Va
Jan 31 1866
Respectfully returned with the information that the letter of the 20th of Dec. was [[strikethrough]] reff [[/strikethrough]] referred to Lieut Murphy Asst Supt. Hanover County on the 30th of Dec 1865 with the following endorsement. "Respectfully referred to Lieut Murphy Asst Supt. Hanover C.H. who will carry out the instructions contained in this letter." No return has been made to this office.
I shall write Lieut Murphy today in regard to the matter.
T. Frank P Crandon
Capt & Supt


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-25 21:16:27 Please include all punctuation!!