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- Everyone is going on very well and my whole heart is in the work - rather than leave it now I will take a 2nd Lieut's commission in the colored troops - but I must have in my present position officer ranking as Lieutenants and Captains as my subordinates - therefore I ask for as high rank as I think I can obtain - it is in really the same I now hold, - if my present regiment was to continue in the service I could be mustered as Major.

It seems to me that the responsibility of my place calls for the rank. It can do no harm to try at all events.

Will you then be so kind as to assist me by signing the enclosed letter - General Howard promises a favorable endorsement and that with other recommendations will I hope, do the work.

Very respectfully your ob't serv't
Henry E. Alvord.
Capt. & Superintendent, &c.

Transcription Notes:
One [[?]] remains. (2nd Lieut)