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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Asst. Supt. County of Frederick,
Winchester, Va. Aug 22 1865.

Col. O. Brown
Assist Commissioner
Richmond Va

I have this morning requested of Brevet Maj Gen'l Torbert an assignment of four (4) officers for duty in the Counties comprising his District, "the Shenandoah" and have been informed that he has received orders to muster out the regiments now on duty in his command, and thus cannot furnish the officers required, and I have telegraphed you to that effect in order that so many more might be added to the number for which I understood you were to apply.

I do not now know whether any troops are to replace those mustered out, but beg leave earnestly to represent the absolute necessity for a detachment of troops in each of the counties of this District as it will be impossible to establish the relations of the Freedmen to their former Masters without the aid of the Military.

I shall go tomorrow to Harpers Ferry to learn what may be done for the Counties of Jefferson and Berkley, which are in the command of General Emory. I will make a full Report on my return to Staunton, to which place please send all communications by letter.

I am Colonel,
Very Respectfully,
W. Storer How
Capt. & AQM
Supt Sixth Dist. Va

Transcription Notes:
Torbert according to other letters. There is no Bukly county in Va. Doesn't seem short form Buckingham, or Brunswick? - It is Berkeley spelled incorrectly! (West Virginia) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-25 07:49:38 I think a portion of West Virginia was part of Virginia at this time, such as Harper's Ferry. Signature is W. Storer How, not Mr. Storer How.