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Is it contemplated by the Bureau to hire teachers or will they be furnished by the different benevolent societies? There is no school here on other basis than Danville schools  One detailed man conducts the Danville school and is assisted by several colored male and female teachers. The services of the latter are gratuitous, and are so praiseworthy that I would commend them to the notice of benevolent people generally. Primary books are much needed. I hope to render some of required reports this week especially those referring to past expenditures etc of the District. I should have stated that the arrangment agreed upon between Genl Gregg and myself is that each of his provost marshalls stationed in the several counties of the District shall act as my Assist Supd'ts, and be under my direction in all matters
pertaining to the Bureau. In two of the counties Patrick and Henry are no provost marshals, nor has Genl Gregg at present any officers to send there - the officer at Danville acting over three counties.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
R. S. Lacey
Supdt 7th Dist


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-25 16:03:51