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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Assistant Superintendent Office Bedford, Co. 
Liberty. Va. Sept 27th 1865

No 5            

Capt. R. S. Lacy
A. Q. M Supdt Bureau of R.F. & A.L. 

I have the honor to state that the boy in question was punished as stated by Col Scott but was allowed however to carry the ball and chain. He was proven guilty by evidence and confession, of stealing honey and various other articles and placarded as thief through the streets.

I have no knowledge of flour and honey being smeared on his face. The orders for punishment were given by Capt. Elliot the then Pro Marshal but now under arrest and trial for various offences against Govt. The second tying up was for a second offence. All evidence here shows the negro to have been a vagrant and thief

Very Respectfully Your ob'dt Servt
Henry T Cooper 1st Lieut and 
A.A.P.M. & Asst Supdt BRF. & A.L.

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